Streamlined MODELING

The Source

There is no better teacher than experience. Falling short of that, read the source code. This page contains links to download the full version of the Java and Squeak code examples in Streamlined Object Modeling.


Streamlined Object Modeling Java source code

The above link is to a standard ZIP file containing Java source. To use the source simply extract the files into a directory of your choice. (The archive file contains path information to create the correct package/directory structure.) Since Java does not come with its own integrated development environment, you can either use a simple text editor to view the individual files or use the IDE that suits you. If you do not have an IDE of choice, a quick web search will turn up several. Here are some links to get you started:


Streamlined Object Modeling Squeak source code

The link above is to a standard ZIP file containing a single .st file. To get this source to be readable in your installed Squeak environment, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the file into the same folder as Squeak
  2. Open Squeak
  3. Single-click in the workspace to pop up a menu and select "open..."
  4. From the open menu select "file list"
  5. In the upper right pane of the newly-opened window select the file ""
  6. Right mouse (or on the Mac option-mouse) and in the pop-up menu select "fileIn"
  7. Once complete close the file list window
  8. Single-click in the workspace to pop up a menu and select "open..."
  9. From the open menu select "browser"
  10. Scroll the top left pane of the newly-opened window all the way to the bottom to see the class category "Collaboration-Examples"