Streamlined Modeling seeks to improve software development by promoting
understanding and clarity in analysis, design, and implementation. We welcome your feedback
and participation in this effort.
Our first book covers analysis and business object implementation. Later works,
to be previewed here, will cover design and implementation.
Contact the authors:
To dowload the code from the book go to The Source |
Streamlined Object
Modeling pares down object modeling to just the bare essentials necessary to
model business domains, business rules, and business services.
- Object think and object selection principles.
- Twelve all-encompassing "collaboration patterns" for modeling real-world
- Five kinds of business rules, three types of services, and six categories of properties.
- Rigorous methods for discovering, organizing, and implementing business rules around
The book makes use of extensive examples drawn from real-world applications, and includes a
complete case study from analysis to implementation and coded in Java and Squeak. |
Updated FAQ
Questions from thoughtful readers keep coming in, and we've posted some of the
best and our answers in the updated FAQ section.
Chapters Online
Now available for downloading, chapters from Streamlined Object
Modeling and white papers on object modeling in the Papers section.
It's Here
Prentice Hall PTR
has informed the authors that the first copies of Streamlined Object
Modeling have come back from the printers.
more news...